Greenland the NGO (A step for society)

NGO/CSR Service

Greenland Shiksha Samiti is a smorgasbord of various social services which was established in the year 1986 (registration no: 2019/1986-87) to emancipate Indian society from the shackles of oblivion, alleviate social standards, help in suffering, make people self sustaining and promote the virtue of education amongst the BPL masses. It was the initiative and vision of Mrs. Parikrama Singh under whose aegis and guidance the entire Samiti is blossoming. The Samiti runs a special counseling cell for the mentally, physically and socially impaired people. A special learning center is established by the Samiti to aid people in carrying out their mode of subsistence by providing them with vocational skill oriented education. Here at the Samiti we impart education up to the secondary level. The project ushered in by the state government of Rajasthan was also undertaken by Greenland Shiksha Samiti which aimed at generating computer literacy among the masses. Henceforth, the Samiti organized the computer education classes for all ranging from children of 8 years of age to the experienced lot of 65-68. Here, it’s an endeavour of each and every active member of the Samiti to facilitate education and take it up to the pinnacle of the literate society for the less privileged ones.

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